Monday, July 21, 2008
Just a couple of years
The girl to his left glanced at him, and his smirk confirmed where the noise had come from. A small wave of giggles went through the classroom, including from the perpetrator, me and the teacher, but then the kids were quickly onto the game.
After leaving the school, I thought about the incident and how much difference a few years can make. Fart in front of class in the first grade, get some giggles. Do the same thing in seventh grade and be known as the "Fartster" until graduation.
Monday, February 25, 2008
I don't mean this in a insulting way (please, no one with allergies write me hate comments). It is just really sad to me.
I think we should have races, telethons and little buckets at the supermarket checkout to cure allergies. I would wear the ribbon, or at least drop my change in the bucket.
Monday, January 28, 2008
I'm Famous

On one they got my last name wrong and on other I forgot to sign my name, and I didn't even care.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Just telling them what they want to hear

Friday, January 18, 2008
Complicated snow
I have heard that people have been fired for doing stuff like this, or worse yet, that anything you do on the clock belongs to your employer. I better be careful and not accidentally write anything brilliant.
So really I don't have time to write about anything interesting. It was just that looking at my past blogs makes me miss green grass. As those who know me know I am not the biggest fan of winter anyway, but right now is the worst.
All the once beautiful snowflakes that floated down like magic angel dandruff to cover the earth, making everything look new and white, are now large crusty cold piles in various shades of dirty grey that seem to be constant reminders of all that is wrong with the world and my life.
I REALLY need some friggin' sunshine.
PS It seems like whenever I pull up a blank post, my mind follows suit and goes completely blank of all the ideas that only moments before where frantically bouncing around in my brain.
So this is a note to remember to write about the media and the public next time.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Tick tock
I shouldn't even be writing this blog because I don't have time, so I will make it about how I don't have time to write my blog.
I was reading all these other blogs thinking how do people have time for this, but in answer to my own question I guess if I wasn't reading other people's blogs I would have time to write my own.
Things I should be doing other that writing this:
*picking up my house
*taking a shower
*figuring out my mother's birthday present
*sleeping so I don't hit the snooze button more than three times in the morning
I wish cloning technology would hurry up. I would so send her to work tomorrow.
Things I would have my clone do:
*grocery shop for healthy food
*cook the healthy food
*exercise (not even sure if this would work)
*change my oil
*clean the house
*go to work for me about 60 percent of the time
*write my blog
By the looks of this list, my clone, who doesn't even exist yet, is already a better person than me. I don't need that kind of competition.
PS the name of this post is an onomatopoeia